Category Archives: GOOD THINGS

Cards Against Humanity Online

The darkly hilarious card matching game ‘Cards Against Humanity‘ is now online! If you just can’t get enough of Cards Against Humanity (CAH), get yourself to Decks Against Society, the official, unofficial digital clone of CAH. Exemplifying the virtues of a creative commons license, CAH gives a deal of power to both game players (who can download the game for free online instead of paying for a physical copy) as well as content creators.


While not officially created by the CAH team, Decks Against Society makes full use of the creative commons license with their online multiplayer version of CAH. Decks Against Society features all the sames cards as CAH, while retaining the ability for users to create their own ‘custom cards.’

Now you can compete with (and offend) strangers and friends alike for free! You don’t even have to register with an email to play! (Though if you do, the site will keep track of your winning combinations and other game statistics for you to brag about.) Join a game today!

A fun side note: In line with the morbid humor inherent in CAH, the CAH team decided to RAISE prices of the game for Black Friday this year. Consumerism at its absolute finest.

What do your Facebook posts say about you?

If you took all your Facebook statuses, I mean ALL of them, even the high school classics like:

 “I don’t see why dudes feel the need to tell everyone on facebook that their goin’ to the gym every time they go to the gym. Maybe I’m just in a bad mood tho. Goin’ for a run to blow off steam.. bbl”

and compiled them into one big word soup, and then tried to make some new statuses out of them, What Would I Say would be the result. What Would I Say does exactly that. Each and every word you’ve posted in a Facebook status is jumbled all together, and spat out in an approximation of a sentence. The results are oddly insightful and unabashedly truthful.

Here are a few of my gems:



wwis3(channeling my inner drake)




Pokémon Origins: A New Take on Old Classics

Many of us are still pining for the days of old, when we could count all the Pokémon that existed on 15 hands and the Pokérap could name all 150 of the little guys in under 4 minutes. Many of us were still excited for the next generation of fighting monsters and quickly snapped up a version of Gold or Silver to relive our dreams of becoming a Pokémon master once more.

After that, things began to get a little funky, and the charm that Pokémon held for us began to fade from our young hearts. Not that this is a problem for Nintendo. The entire allure of the Pokémon games is that it is a generational series. In many ways, newer Pokémon are just as classic for younger audiences as the originals were for us. And as someone who has played through at least one game in each generation, the games largely retain the same spirit and sense of adventure set out in the original games. Although there are definitely some justifiable complaints about some newer Pokémon. For instance look at this piece of trash (that is what he literally is).

Trubbish, the Trash Bag Pokémon. Trubbish prefer to live in dirty places like garbage dumps. It is said they were born when a chemical reaction occurred between an abandoned trash bag and industrial waste.

But fear not Pokéfans! 

In anticipation of the release of Pokémon X and Y next week, Nintendo has produced a new 4-Part anime series called Pokémon Origins! Pokémon Origins closely follows the plot of the original Gameboy Red/Blue games, and honestly, it’s pretty fantastic. Following the paths of Red and his rival Green, the degree of accuracy and similarity to the video games is incredible. The series even starts with a dimly lit Professor Oak in an unknown area introducing us to the world of Pokémon using nearly the same script as the games.

More importantly, types actually seem to matter! For all those who were furious that Ash’s Pikachu could simply zap Brock’s Onix because of sheer ‘strength’, this is your long waited chance at redemption.

Not only do types matter, but the moves and Pokémon each gym leader uses mirror the games precisely. Brock fights Red using a Geodude and Onix, uses bide, and — wait for it — gives Red the TM for Bide afterwards! During the gym battle we also can see the bars representing each Pokémon’s health. If you listen carefully, you can even hear the victory over gym leaders fanfare play quietly in the background as Brock presents Red with the Boulder Badge.

The anime even goes so far as to recreate the specific conversations you have with random NPCs in the games as well as using orchestrated versions of the original 8-bit music! The faithfulness to the story within the original games is simply stunning.

All-in-all, Pokémon Origins is a wonderful treat for anyone who enjoyed the classic Pokémon games. It’s animation is new and crisp, with an impressive attention to detail. You can watch all four episodes here:

Lost and Found: The Fantastically Kinetic World of the ‘Organic Mechanic’ of New Zealand


dolphinsharl tightrope

Filmmaker Joey Bania takes viewers on a journey into the into the enchantingly outlandish world of artist and tinkerer Blair Somerville in his new documentary short ‘Lost and Found.’ Somerville’s universe is brimming with eccentric and fiendishly clever automata and ‘useless tools.’ Part part recyclable circus, part tchotchke laboratory, his gallery is a true pleasure to behold. Somerville is also an avid surfer and has a nice dog.

From the filmmaker:

In a remote corner of New Zealand’s South Island, tucked away among the last remaining tracts of native forest, lies a little-known place of wonder. It is the life’s work and extraordinary creation of inventor, artist and self-confessed tinkerer, Blair Somerville.

For over ten years Blair has single-handedly owned, operated and ceaselessly expanded the Lost Gypsy Gallery, his wonderland of homegrown wizardry and a playground for kids and adults alike. Using only recycled materials, Blair takes DIY to artistic extremes. His creations are ingenious, interactive, and often hilariously impractical. They take many shapes and forms and share an uncanny ability to amaze, entertain and inspire.

‘Lost & Found’ invites you to take a peek into Blair’s bizarre and beautiful world.

If this piques your interest, you might also be interested in the City Museum of St. Louis, a 14 story museum, bar, thrift store, and playground.

[via Colossal]

Eggcellent Font

Handmade Font is an Estonian design company founded in 2008 by Vladimir Loginov and Maksim Loginov that specializes in creating untraditional, unique fonts. You can purchase the Eggs Font on Handmade Font for $70.

Other fonts from Handmade Fonts include:

The Sausage Font

The Ketchup Font

The Fish Font

The Cigarette Butt Font

The Moss Font

Put the eggs, sausage, ketchup, and fish together and you’ve got a full on typography breakfast!

[via Swiss Miss, Handmade Font]

Tradinno, The World’s Largest Walking Robot and Firebreathing Dragon

Fire-breathing dragon Tradinno is the largest walking robot in the world. (Credit Guinness World Records)

The new 2014 Guinness World Records book comes out next Thursday and, as always, people are making and breaking records for things you never would have imagined.

For instance, the record for the largest walking robot goes to a dragon from Germany called Tradinno.

Built by Germany’s Zollner Elektronik AG, an electronics maker, Tradinno the dragon is 51 feet long and has a wingspan of 40 feet. He can walk around, flap its leathery wings, and breathe fire from its mouth and nostrils. The dragon is a complex radio-controlled quadruped running on a 2.0-liter turbo diesel engine with two hydraulic circuits, 272 hydraulic valves, 65 animated axles, and 238 sensors, according to Zollner. It has 984 feet of hydraulic lines, more than 4,200 feet of electric cables, and 360 feet of pneumatic lines. (from CNET news)

See Tradinno in action below in the German folk play “Drachenstich” which translated into English means: Spearing the Dragon

Other records in the book include items like:


Regis Philbin Using Google Glass

Well it’s been a while but Toenail Clippings is back on the air, albeit on unsteady, unemployed feet. Rather than writing long winded TL;DR posts about archaeology, space, and whatever else, I’m gonna try and keep things short and sweet.

The new theme of this blog is: GOOD. I’ll be posting things that are generally considered good, at least by my standards (and I hope yours too). That includes: fantastic music (anything that makes us feel good/dance), good news (there are lots of bad things happening but that is not fun so why not talk about all the good stuff out there),  good products (helpful things/useful things/things that make people happy), and

Now here’s something good! Everyone in America knows and loves the adorable Regis Philbin, he’s basically America’s grandpa. And there’s nothing better than seeing old people try to use technology, so enjoy this fusion of old and new as Reeg tries out a Google Glass!

“Regis here, playing games with the Google!”

via WSJ